Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

August 17, 2012

This is Your Jellyfish:

Filed under: Abominations — Miss Plumcake @ 9:13 am

This is your jellyfish on drugs:

Any questions?


  1. Two, actually.

    1. Who thought this was a good idea?
    2. Can I punch them?

    Comment by daisyj — August 17, 2012 @ 12:34 pm

  2. I am very liberal when it comes to clothing. To each her own I say.
    I am trying to find a proper venue/time/occasion for this style.
    Not even my hippie/tribal friends would wear this because they have much cooler clothes than that.
    But it still looks better than the now very trendy overall that EVERYONE is running around in here in Scandinavia
    Or variants…
    I could imagine myself in one, at home, when it’s -40 Celsius and the only one seeing me is my immediate family. But they are everywhere! At the movies, one girl even came into work in one. Work! I’ve seen people walking around in them shopping and at a Café.
    There used to be a time when the only people able to fit into one was children, because they only made them for children. *sigh*

    Comment by Ravna — August 17, 2012 @ 1:06 pm

  3. LAWD those are ugly.

    Comment by Rubygirl — August 17, 2012 @ 1:24 pm

  4. Ravna, 1399 kr for that ugliness?!?!

    Comment by Rebekka — August 17, 2012 @ 4:07 pm

  5. Exactly what drugs, or combination thereof, does one consume to conceive these designs in the first instance and then imagine even briefly that someone will want to purchase them – let alone wear them.

    Comment by annabouttown — August 17, 2012 @ 7:53 pm

  6. I do not understand the full length ruffles. I saw one red dress with a set of verticle ruffles the other day that was less subtle than a Georgia O’Keeffe print. Even the Mr who doesn’t do symbolism commented on it.

    This is the whole I don’t get fashion thingy. Because I don’t get it. Like at all. I’m trying but wow.

    Comment by RHCD — August 17, 2012 @ 9:20 pm

  7. @RHCD,

    The full length ruffle abomination is what happens when a flawlessly executed idea “trickles down” in fashion. Everyone must remember that scene in The Devil Wears Prada where Marian Priestly lectures the Anne (what’s her name) character about the Cerulean blue sweater she has on and how it started out as a glimpse of colour in a design collection maybe 7 or 8 years earlier, and “trickled down” until it became some rag she picked out of the Dress Barn’s clearance bin. Well, that full length ruffle was born in Valentino Couture’s 2006 couture collection. You can watch that develop in the documentary called Valentino: The Last Emperor. The dress he designs with that feature actually takes incredible skill to produce (you can see him arguing with his head seamstress about how she’s supposed to “do the impossible” with that detail (which she does) and he actually numbers the ruffles and their placement on the gown specifically. It’s a detail that takes an infinite amount of skill to pull off. And here, years later, it’s just a few misplaced rags on a downmarket shmatta.

    But for us plus size gals in Canada, we’ll soon see it at every Edition Elle (and Reitman’s, and MXM, and Pennington’s–cause they’re all the same company) in a bonus leopard print with enlarged armholes, in a polyester blend. Sleeveless, and just in time for winter.

    Comment by ChaChaHeels — August 18, 2012 @ 7:42 am

  8. So these designs look like someone got blitzed and then decided to make a dress. Not my favorite look by far.

    Comment by Amy Carsen — August 20, 2012 @ 1:02 pm

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