I just don’t know how people who live in cold climates do it.
Not the living in the arctic tundra part (the arctic tundra, for our purposes, being any place north of Dallas) which is squirrely, but not any squirrelier than living where it gets face-exploding hot.
No, it’s the whole coat buying thing.
Every time I decide I need a proper coat I almost immediately strike out because the Powers That Be have decided for whatever reason that fat girls only want to wear gigantic swing coats with bracelet sleeves (cute in theory, ill-fitted circus tent in application) or ridiculous duffel coats with seedy little fur trim around the hood.
I don’t really care for hooded coats.
I’d rather wear a coat with a collar, plus a scarf and hat, but if I do want a hood, I either want a full-on Loretta Young (ptui ptui) in The Call of The Wild fur hood:
Or no hood at all. None of those anemic little squirrel tail-looking things.
Thankfully, The Manolo turned me on to Marisota.
I get all atwitter when I find a new source for plus size threads, and these folks have clothes, coats, intimates the whole shebang…plus an electronics department which I’ll admit struck me as a little strange, especially because only some of them are ahem, personal massagers.
Marisota doesn’t ship internationally –or at least I can’t find any evidence they do– but never fear, your pal Plummy has found a workaround.
A little googling tells me Marisota in the UK overlaps considerably with SimplyBe.
They’re not quite mirrors, but they’re close enough that the resemblance is more than coincidental (much like the child Loretta Young “adopted” shortly after she filmed The Call of the Wild. You know, the one who looked remarkably like an exact biological blend between her devoutly Catholic self and her very married co-star Clark Gable, complete with dear Mister Gable’s dumbo ears.)
Here’s where it gets a little confusing:
On the Simply Be website, there’s a section called Marisota.
However, if you found an item you liked on the Marisota.co.uk page, while it’s probably on Simply Be somewhere, there’s nothing saying it’s going to be under the Marisota section.
If you click on the coats and jackets section of Marisota and this double-breasted trench with removable capelet strikes your fancy, save yourself some trouble and instead of looking for it under SimplyBe’s Marisota section, just type “capelet” in the search bar.
If it’s available, it’ll pop up.
It’s nigh on impossible to pull a good image at a decent size from Marisota, but trust me. Check them out, do the SimplyBe search if you’re not in the UK and you’ll wind up with some fab winterwear.
Just skip the deerstalker, okay?
I got a catalog in the mail from them last week. I didn’t check the shipping policies, but I would think they would ship to the U.S., since they’re sending out catalogs. I assumed they were a division of Simply Be, perhaps one that was targeted to a slightly different clientele. (Fewer “play clothes,” and more work oriented stuff.)
Comment by Leigh Ann — September 24, 2012 @ 11:11 am
(Sorry, Miss Plumcake–Now I realize you are wondering if they ship to Mexico, not whether they ship to the US. )
Comment by Leigh Ann — September 24, 2012 @ 12:00 pm
Speaking of simply be, I just bought these boots from there. How do they make you feel?
Comment by Bethany — September 24, 2012 @ 4:53 pm
Are you allowed to wear the deerstalker if you can actually do all the scary amazing Sherlock things? I don’t have one right now, but it seems to me that getting one might count as fair warning for the other people around me. As it is, I mostly wear newsie caps, and they have to find out the hard way.
Comment by Arabella Flynn — September 24, 2012 @ 8:40 pm
The coat buying is actually the only winter shopping I truly enjoy. As long as you get to the place or website early, as everything in plus sizes seems to get bought up pretty quickly.
I do like the coat pictured except for the capelet, which I guess is removable.
I’m not crazy about hats with the inevitable “hat head”.
Comment by Tovah — September 25, 2012 @ 12:17 pm
I need a new coat and am looking at the moment – fancied the caped crusader above, but think I’m probably going to go with the Navy Military Fit and Flare ASOS one. I saw they’d got a new bright yellow one as well which I thought was nice, but canary is sadly not my colour.
Comment by Josie — September 26, 2012 @ 7:34 am
I’m another one who enjoys coat buying. As a relatively tall and well-proportioned big girl, I have a lot of fun with the sweep and drama of many winter coats. My fave was a pale aqua double-breasted peacoat (with detachable hood — best of both worlds!), that came down to just below my hips. The colour matched my eyes EXACTLY and I got about a gazillion compliments on it. It’s the first winter coat that I actually wore out (instead of just tiring of it, like I have done with all the others).
Plus, I’m sorry, but nobody can carry off fur (real or faux) like a height-blessed big girl.
Comment by La Petite Acadienne — September 26, 2012 @ 8:37 pm
Thus, the Capsule collection with some of the old retro styles of the sixties is being brought back to commemorate the 20th anniversary celebrations
Comment by Thomas S. Kellner — September 28, 2012 @ 11:38 am
That coat is lush! I just found your blog by following a photo of Bette Davis that you posted a coupla years ago. I’m not plus size (on my way though if I don’t sort out the cake and chocolate obsession) but the clothes you post are just my style and I love the way you write. Keep it up my friend! x
Comment by Jo — October 14, 2012 @ 10:59 am