Women have a reputation –deserved or not– for not liking other women. Personally, I dig chicks and my life is infinitely better for the various and sundry kick ass women who’ve entered it.
This week’s mission is to find one of the women who has made a positive difference in your life and write her a thank-you letter. It could be the first woman who showed you that it was possible to say no graciously or your first boss who encouraged instead of sabotaged you. It could be the aunt who stood up to the bully of the family, the female clergyperson who consoled you through a miscarriage or your kid sister who battled cancer. Heck it could just be that girl at work who told you that maybe you needed a lighter foundation to avoid the dreaded scourge of Easter-egg neck.
Whoever it is, say thank you. It’s hard enough being a woman, why not spread a little kindness?