Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

August 31, 2009

The Daily Kick: Our First (I think) Poll!

Filed under: Flats,Honey. No.,Shoes,Survey Says,The Daily Kick — Miss Plumcake @ 7:00 am

I think we all know I hate this shoe:

T.U.K. Cat Mary Janes

Yes. It’s a lug-soled mary jane with a wraparound kitty design.

However, once upon a time in the not too hazy past I actually owned a pair of these, except they were black and the kitties were, you guessed it, pink. To my credit I only wore them once before my better nature (and friends who called me “pussy foot”) took over but there you have it. I owned these shoes.

The question is, are those kitty creepers better or worse than these discosasters from Irregular Choice:

Irregular Choice Kitty Platform Pumps

I mean, a lug-soled, top-stitched, “Punk died and all I got were these stupid kitten shoes” creeper is  only going to give you so much. It doesn’t get above its station.

And yet these platforms — even though I really might wear them sans kittens– might be the worse offense despite their cheesecakey goodness.

I am torn.

Which cat shoe is more offensive?

The heels, they’re like Hello Kitty goes to Studio 54…in a bad way.
The creepers, because 1993 wasn’t that much fun the first time, either.

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