I think I’ve mentioned before that I was not always the fabulously appointed style maven you have all come to know and well, if not love, then tolerate and occasionally pity.
First there was the 80’s, or as I like to call them the “Acid Washed Puff Paint Over-Sized Sweatshirt and Scrunchie Years” also? There were stirrup pants.
THEN came the 90’s. I divide these between the pre-Nirvana “Someday Axl Rose and I WILL Be Together and I’ll Wear That Wedding Dress With The Front Cut Out And I Won’t Invite YOU, Grandma, Since You Tried To Throw Out My Favorite Guns N Roses T Shirt Because You Thought It Wasn’t Ladylike to Wear a Picture of a Human Heart With A Knife Through It EVEN THOUGH IT WAS SURROUNDED BY ROSE PETALS AND WHAT’S MORE LADYLIKE THAN THAT???” years and the grunge years, which saw my grandfather mysteriously lose about 85% of his flannel shirts.
I know I’m not alone. I KNOW you all have made horrible, eye-searingly bad fashion choices and for today’s big question I want to know the dirty, filthy, scrunch-sock and velvet top hat details.
Today Miss Plumcake Wants to Know:
What is your all-time WORST fashion mistake? Can it POSSIBLY beat my black stretch satin and gold lamé toreador outfit, complete with matching hat AND bugle-beaded capris?