Mojo Magazine Subscription. Like Rolling Stone, but good.
Deisel Decks Watch
Adidas Originals Superstars
Ray-Ban Clubmasters
Be sure to check back at the main ‘Tis the Season page to look back on profiles you’ve missed and look forward to ones that are soon to come!
I haven’t said this yet, but I really like the new layout — so clean and crisp!
Comment by Margaret — December 14, 2010 @ 2:29 pm
Plumcake – help! I was thinking for a holiday party, it would be lovely to serve whatever cocktail you recommended in your “12 months of cocktails” for the months of November and December. But I can’t find that entry. I’ve found parts 1,2, and 3, but that only gets me through September. After extended searching for part 4, (or October, November or December, or cocktail, or cocktails, or….) I am totally at a loss. Would you please be so kind as to provide a link to part 4, or re-post, or something along those lines? It seemed like such a good idea, that now I am having a hard time giving it up. Thank you for writing such a terrific series!
Comment by Ruby — December 14, 2010 @ 4:56 pm